The Game of Fourtune Update Is Out!

Good Day Folks, 


It's that time again, time for another major update.  Version of The Game of Fourtune is here and it has your favorites.  A new route, three new music tracks, a few new CG's for some older routes, and a new feature that I'm playing with.  It's a character screen that's currently dubbed the Profiles screen.

Don't worry no one else can see the giant floating clovers.

You'll notice a little clover icon in the top right after you reach a certain point at the start of the game.  Press it and you'll see a list of the characters and some basic details for each of them along with some character notes and character relations.  Throughout the game, the list will update with various bits of information from the cast.  Currently, most characters have 3 notes, 3 relations, and a special note for them when you complete their ending.  

If you look carefully, you might notice some patterns!

There's a lot of information that gets told to the player through many of the routes, and I'm using this as a means of trying to highlight various information as it relates to each character and their relation to one another and the over plot as well.  Plus I like to sneak in bits of trivia and fluff in there as well, so hopefully, you'll all enjoy that.  It should also be noted that this is a draft currently and I'll likely polish this section up more as time progresses.  But I had it in a state that was good enough to show so I wanted to give it a whirl and see what you all thought about it. 

Another small but impactful feature added is something pretty basic but its character blips!  Each character has a blip when speaking that ranges from quiet and low to high pitched and poppy.  I've always preferred the sound of character blips personally but if you find them grating or annoying then you can always mute them or adjust their volume in the options menu!

Along with the standard changes, there were a few smaller optimization things that just made my life as a developer a little easier.  For example, previously the music room didn't properly loop the music there.  It would just play, and then jump right to the next song without looping but that's been fixed.  I try and deal with small things as they pop up so I don't have to worry too much about them later.  There were also some issues with the flowchart not properly updating and I believe I've squashed all the current bugs regarding that one, hopefully, it doesn't happen again but it might, as is with game development there are always bugs to fix.

Considering how far development has progressed since earlier in the year I don't feel like 'Demo' really fits what this game is anymore.  Though it's obviously not complete either, so for now I've decided to change the wording to Early Access.  That feels more appropriate considering the length and amount of content for the game.  Naturally, I'm also thinking about when to cut off posting updates and saving things for the main game itself.  I do plan to sell the full game after all, but that'll be a discussion for another time.

I'd also like to take a brief moment to say thank you to everyone that's shown interest in the game thus far.  Whether it's adding the game to your collections, reviewing it, downloading it, or just talking about it to me or anyone you know.  The progress on this game feels slow and steady, in a good way!  I enjoy having new things to show you all and frankly, I'm almost at the 50% mark in terms of routes!  And we've already hit 200+ Downloads!  It feels great!  I hope to keep steady progress and have a great product to show by the end of the year, or sometimes by the start of the next.

A sketch page from my friend Prim! 

All the same, I hope you all enjoy this next update and if you want to keep up with the development of the game, feel free to follow me on Twitter, join our Discord, or sign up for the mailing list!

Until next time,

Good Luck and Good Fortune!

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