The Game of Fourtine Update Is Out!

Good Day Folks,

It's a dire game, it's a fun game, it's The Game of Fourtune

Today I've got quite a big update!  For starters, there's an additional route to explore, more music, more CG's, and a few new features!  One of which is a mainstay of fun ontological mysteries... it's a flowchart!

It's rough around the edges, but it's something!

It's a basic version of it for now, and I do plan on making it more stylized but it's functional for now!  When you reach certain checkpoints in the game you'll be able to jump from scene to scene which will be especially handy in helping to find new routes through the game and not have to do a lot of skipping through previous scenes or memorizing save slots.  For those of you who have already completed a few endings, the flow chart will automatically unlock all paths leading up to that end, so you don't have to backtrack to get through all of them.  In addition, the section on the right will give a very brief mention of a character's ending.  These may be expanded upon in the future but I'm not completely sure yet.

The flowchart will also give you a nice tooltip as a basic reminder of what's happening at that point in the game so you won't be confused as to where you're jumping.  Naturally, as I develop more and more of the game the flowchart will grow and expand so it'll be all the more important to be able keep track of what routes you've gone through and which ones you've yet to see.

As development has progressed I figured that it would be a good time to add in another CG artist to help keep pace with new scenes and special moments within the game.  So I'd like to introduce you all to Sasha Ines!  She'll be a big help in the future and already has already created a new CG for the game.  If you need help finding it, well... if you're quick on the draw you'll probably know where to look.

Finally, Tem has made a beautiful cover page for the game which I'll be using for the splash page as well as for the cover of the game!

As per usual, progress is going smoothly.  I've continued development and I appreciate every bit of feedback from everyone who's shown interest in the game thus far.  The only sad thing that I realized today is that I have WAY too many files to have this be playable, but I suppose that was just inevitable due to the size and scope of the game.  Oh well.

All the same, I hope you all enjoy this next update and if you want to keep up with the development of the game, feel free to follow me on twitter, join our discord, or sign up for mailing list!

Until next time,

Good Luck and Good Fortune!

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