Character Inspirations & Notes 1: Clyde Raveron

G'day folks!  The next update to The Game of Fourtune is on it's way, I'm just waiting for a few particular assets and it'll mark the completion of the demo in full!  Until then, let's talk about some character inspirations.  Let's talk about Clyde Raveron!  

Clyde is one of the protagonists in The Game of Fourtune.  A sarcastic dishwasher getting involved in a situation that he didn't have the full information about.

To start, I'll say that Clyde existed before The Game of Fourtune existed as an idea in my head.  He was sort of an idea, a person that lived a mundane life but always managed to get himself pulled into trouble that he'd have to get himself out of.  That fits pretty well for his role in The Game of Fourtune so it wasn't hard to give him the role as one of the game's protagonists.  

I'll admit that a lot of Clyde's inspiration came from... well me.  Not to say that I've been in any mythical death games but his sarcastic speech patterns and parts of his past came from what I'd call an old version of me.  However, aside from myself I took some inspiration from Kaiji Ito from Kaiji.  Someone who starts the story off down on their luck and gets brought into a game (or games) that they're not prepared for but also gets himself out of dire situations with quick thinking and clever ideas.

When writing Clyde for the game I wanted a character that was reasonably intelligent but also able to make mistakes, get overwhelmed, and ultimately fail if it came to it.   He's a flawed character who has his clever moments but you can't be certain that he'll always have the best ideas or even if the ideas he comes up with will work.   To me it's not all that much fun to have a protagonist that doesn't struggle or make a few mistakes along the way, and you'll notice that there are a lot of times where Clyde's ideas are flawed or just flat out wrong at times either due to poor thinking or because of stress.  I think it helps humanize him as a person that really is out of his element here and trying his best, even if his best isn't good enough at times.

More importantly than his decision making through the games I'd say is his personality.  It would be easy to make a protagonist that's universally liked by the whole cast and is able to get on everyone's good side... but that's boring, especially with Clyde.  You'll see moments where he's sarcastic, rude, judgmental, impulsive, and just sometimes butting heads with various groups in the cast.  Firstly, because it's fun to write, and secondly it sets up a lot of interesting dynamics.  Some people will be dismissive of the guy, others will be surprised that this weird dishwasher is able to solve riddles so well.


He's rude sometimes

Sometimes very rude

All in all, I'd like to say that Clyde's a good protagonist for the game and I hope that you all think so as well, for hopefully similar reasons to what I've listed down.  Next time, we'll talk about our other protagonist Devon Rhodes.  

Until next time, Good Luck and Good Fortune!


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