An Incomplete Start, But a Starts Nonetheless

Here we are the incomplete start!  Well it's not really a start and more of an... odd demo?  I've been working on and off on The Game of Fourtune for sometime now.  And while there's still a lot that I'd like to add, I think that I'm at a decent point where I can at least present what I've made thus far for those interested.  Hopefully, those who play through the first completed route should 

This current build of The Game of Fourtune contains 1 full ending, and about half of a second, though technically if you dig through the files and select a few options here and there you could technically go through the game and see what the other routes have in store.  Naturally that'll mainly just be text with a lack of screens, music, or sprite direction but if you're okay just digging through text then by all means go for it.

I hope to have the second route complete and tested in about a week or two, and you might be asking, "Well Ken if it only takes a week or two to get the other route done, why not just wait?"  Because honestly I'm tired of waiting.  Hopefully my impatience doesn't spell the end of this project but I genuinely want to share all the neat things I've worked on and get feedback and just... maybe make your days a little better with this quirky VN that I've made.

Anyway, hope you enjoy what's here.  Good luck, and good fortune!

Files 335 MB
Jan 08, 2022 301 MB
Jan 08, 2022

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